The Top 5 Charges Expertly Handled by a Criminal Defence Lawyer

Top 5 Charges Expertly Handled by a Criminal Defence Lawyer

In the intricate tapestry of the legal world, criminal defence lawyers stand as pillars of justice, dedicated to ensuring that every accused individual receives fair treatment and a robust defence. Their expertise extends across a wide spectrum of criminal charges, each presenting unique challenges and complexities. In this blog, we peel back the layers of the legal system and delve into the top five charges that a criminal defence lawyer adeptly handles, shedding light on their crucial role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of those facing the weight of the law.

Top 5 Charges Expertly Handled by a Criminal Defence Lawyer

Assault &  Battery

Charges related to assault and battery encompass a broad range of offences, from simple altercations to more severe cases involving bodily harm or even deadly weapons. Criminal defence lawyers meticulously examine evidence, witness statements, and circumstances to construct a solid defence strategy, seeking to mitigate charges or secure acquittals for their clients.

Drug Offences

Navigating the complexities of drug-related charges demands a keen understanding of ever-evolving legislation. Criminal defence lawyers adeptly challenge evidence collection procedures, scrutinize search and seizure protocols, and explore potential violations of their clients’ rights. Their goal is to ensure fair treatment and to secure the best possible outcome for those facing drug-related accusations.

Theft & Property Crimes

Theft, burglary, and property-related offences require a nuanced approach to building a compelling defence. Skilled criminal defence lawyers analyze factors such as intent, evidence, and circumstances to construct a strong case that challenges accusations and safeguards the rights of their clients.

White-Collar Crimes

White-collar crimes, often involving financial fraud, embezzlement, or identity theft, present a complex legal landscape. Criminal defence lawyers with expertise in this area meticulously dissect financial records, scrutinize evidence, and leverage their knowledge of intricate regulations to create a formidable defence strategy.

Driving Under the Influence

DUI charges carry serious consequences, impacting driving privileges and potentially resulting in incarceration. Criminal defence lawyers specializing in DUI cases challenge breathalyzer results, question arrest procedures, and ensure that due process is followed to safeguard their clients’ rights and minimize the impact of these charges.


The role of a criminal defence lawyer extends far beyond the courtroom; it is a commitment to justice, an unwavering dedication to upholding the rights and liberties of individuals facing criminal charges. As we’ve explored the top five charges that these legal experts adeptly handle – assault and battery, drug offences, theft and property crimes, white-collar crimes, and DUI – it becomes evident that their profound impact ripples through the fabric of society.

With a deep understanding of the law, an arsenal of legal strategies, and an unyielding passion for justice, criminal defence lawyers stand as beacons of hope, tirelessly working to ensure that the accused are treated fairly and that their rights are vigorously protected.

Joel Chevrefils of Alberta Criminal Defence Lawyers is here to defend you against all criminal charges. When charged with a criminal offence, such as impaired driving, domestic violence, or DUI, the first thing you should do is call your trusted Calgary criminal defence lawyer. His professionalism can help you with all concerns regarding your charges and the complex nature of Canada’s legal system. Chevrefils can help you with your charges in and outside Calgary, including Provincial Courts in Cochrane, Airdrie, Okotoks, Red Deer and Edmonton. Trust your case to Calgary’s most experienced criminal lawyer. Call Alberta Criminal Defence Lawyers today at (403) 830-1980.

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