Successful Cases

Case Name: R. v. J.M

Court: Court of King’s Bench – Judge alone

Offence: Aggravated Assault – Section 268 Criminal Code

Case Description: After a night of partying, the Client went to afterparty where an argument ensued with another individual in the house. The client ended up striking the Complainant in the face with a closed fist causing significant damage requiring facial reconstruction surgery.
Outcome: After a 5 day trial, Justice ruled that it was self defence and the client was fully exonerated

Outcome: After a 5 day trial, Justice ruled that it was self defence and the client was fully exonerated.

Case Name: R. v. R.H.

Offence: Domestic Assault

Case Description: It was alleged that the client and his wife got into an argument and that the client struck his wife several times. Client charged with domestic assault.

Outcome: Client found “not guilty” after contested trial.

Case Name: R. v. B and Q

Court: Court of Kings Bench and Alberta Court of Appeal

Offence: 5(2) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act – Possession for the purpose of trafficking – Cocaine – large quantities

Case Description: Police were engaged in a covert drug investigation. They were conducting surveillance and claimed to have observed numerous transactions and behaviour consistent with drug trafficking. Police conducted a traffic stop and arrested and searched the Client/vehicle after observing what they believed was a drug transaction. Cocaine and cash was found during the search.

Outcome: An application was made to exclude all the evidence at trial due to an illegal search. Trial Justice declined to find a breach of the Accused’s rights and admitted the evidence. The Client was convicted and sentenced to 2.5 years in jail. The matter was appealed to the Court of Appeal where the higher court agreed with our submissions and ruled that: “The appeal is allowed, the evidence is excluded, and the convictions are quashed. The appellant is acquitted of all charges related to this appeal.”

Case Name: R. v. O.I.

Court: Court of King’s Bench – JURY TRIAL

Offence: Sexual Assault – contrary to section 271 Criminal Code

Case Description: The Client was accused of sexually assaulting a young woman at her high school in his car during lunch break. The Client was adamant it was consensual.

Outcome: The jury found him not guilty. During cross-examination in front of the Jury, the complainant admitted that she made up the complaint.

Case Name: R. v J.P

Court: Court of King’s Bench

Offence: First Degree Murder

Case Description: The Client was accused of planning and executing a drug hit (murder for hire). The Police conducted an extensive investigation using the Mr. Big technique to elicit a “confession”.

Outcome: The “Confession” was excluded from evidence and the Client was acquitted of the charge after trial.

Case Name: R. v. C.B.

Court: Alberta Court of Justice (Provincial Court)

Offence: Dangerous Driving and Flight From Police

Case Description: The Client was on Highway 1 heading to Banff and was clocked, going over 200km/h. The police attempted to conduct a traffic stop, but the client didn’t stop immediately. Eventually, the Client was apprehended for trying to hide just off the highway.

Outcome: Negotiated down to a traffic ticket for a fine. No criminal record. No driving suspension.

Case Name: R. v. B.A

Court: Alberta Court of Justice

Offence: 4 separate allegations of Domestic Violence/Assault

Case Description: The Complainant filed 4 separate complaints of domestic abuse that allegedly occurred at the Clients home on different dates.

Outcome: All charges were dismissed over the course of 2 years of proceedings.